Centre for Nutrition and Dietetics Studies
Post Graduate Diploma/Executive Diploma in Clinical Nutrition
About CNDS

Centre for Nutrition and Dietetics Studies (CNDS)has been set up under the aegis of IGMPI registered as a non-profit society (under The Societies Registration Act, 1860) with the Government of India.The Centre is committed to promote proper diet and nutrition which is crucial to the health and happiness of the society at large.

CNDS is imparting education in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics to thousands of knowledge seekers in the classroom setting as well as research dissertation, field and online learning training programmes.

CNDS provides and education programmes and imparts extensive knowledge through classroom and online modes, in the holistic Nutrition programmes like Nutrition and Dietetics as well as specialized courses like diabetes education, paediatric nutrition, nutritional oncology, ayurvedic food and nutrition, obesity and weight management, clinical diabetology, nutritional gastroenterology and hepatology and many other programmes. Our courses are designed with outmost care given to the industry requirements and shaping careers in the field of Nutrition dietetics, medical and non-medical.

Students gets to experience the expertise from faculties who are specialized in Nutrition, dietetics, foods, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, etc. The centre is well equipped with all the teaching aids and advance laboratory equipment and devices.

The Centre is committed to making nutrition accessible to everyone through nutrition recommendations, easy-to-follow explanations, interactive two way communication lectures, dynamic presentations of the lectures.Apart from this the center provides ample opportunities for the students to comprehend the latest diet plans and nutrition requirements with hands-on practices in Industry, Hospitals and Clinics.

Post completion of the all the courses, CNDS also provides job and Internship placement assistance to students in an easy and effortless way.


The Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India, registered under SR Act XXI of 1860, Government of India, recognised by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, accredited Vocational Institution of Ministry of Education, Government of India and approved by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) presents a unique, friendly and interactive platform to get rid of all your GMP compliance related issues. GMP- an essential element of industries like pharmaceutical, cosmetic, Ayurveda, biotech, homeopathic, medical device and food manufacturing and sustainability services - in itself is the most dynamic part which witnesses frequent changes in terms of new rules being added and old ones being renewed. Thus, keeping oneself updated with current GMPs is essential to remain aligned with evolving industry requirement and standards.

Our team comprises knowledgeable professionals from diverse sectors such as Pharma, Healthcare, Food & Nutraceutical industries, pooling together their expertise, know-how, and practical experiences to create this GMP guide. IGMPI is moving hand in hand with technology advances and has gained recognition as a stronger and better education and training platform provider for professionals and students in the areas of GMP, Quality Assurance and Control, Pharma, Food & Nutrition and Healthcare Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research, Pharmaceutical IPR and Good Laboratory Practice and Product Management. Our board of governors and specialists have collated their acumen and are offering state-of-the-art courses which includes GMP training, Quality Assurance and Control, Pharma and healthcare Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research, Pharmaceutical IPR, Environment Social Governance (ESG), and Good Laboratory Practice in form of formal classroom studies, online/interactive programmes, online seminars, as well as onsite training programmes along with the knowledge of worldwide affairs of the industry. In short, a round-the-clock service is provided for any information in these areas required by anybody from around the country and abroad. Based on high standards of quality, the training programmes in Pharma, Healthcare and Food GMP, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs, IPR, Pharma Product Management, Public Health, Hospital Management, Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance, Medical Writing, Medical Coding, Nanotechnology, Drug Design and Discovery, Food QA&QC, etc., areas have been approved by Quality Council of India, which is an autonomous body and an accreditation authority for education & vocational training providers under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. IGMPI is duly licensed and certified by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) under Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations 2018.

Accreditation and Awards

IGMPI is recognized by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India and duly licensed and certified by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) under Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations 2018 (License number: ERO/EOMSM/L-8000027) for offering education and training programmes, services and processes in the areas of Pharmaceutical, Food, Nutrition, Healthcare, Environment Health & Safety (EHS), Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) and Marketing Communications.

Ministry of Commerce & Industry Bureau of Indian Standards

Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India (IGMPI) is registered as a non-profit society with its own Memorandum of Association and bye-laws under The Societies Registration Act, 1860, Government of India. IGMPI is an accredited Vocational Institution of Ministry of Education, Government of India.

The Post Graduate and Executive Diploma programmes of IGMPI in Good Manufacturing Practices, Regulatory Affairs, Intellectual Property Rights, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Public Health, Nanotechnology, Hospital Management, Product Management, Sales and Marketing Management, Clinical Research, Medical Writing, Drug Discovery and Development, Pharmacovigilance, Medical Coding have been duly assessed and approved by Quality Council of India, Government of India based on fulfillment of QCI's following criteria:

  1. Programme Content
  2. Programme Design
  3. Programme Material
  4. Instructors
  5. Class size & Attendance
  6. Facilities
  7. Evaluation of Students
  8. Written Examination
  9. Certificate

IGMPI is also approved by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) (FSSAI ID: TPINS18). IGMPI® is licensed by Department of Food Safety & Drug Administration under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and registered under Food Safety and Standards Act 2006.

IGMPI has been conferred with the prestigious "BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS (BIS) AWARD OF HONOUR 2023". QUALITY COUNCIL OF INDIA (QCI) has also conferred IGMPI with D.L. SHAH NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD, Certificate of Merit & ASSOCHAM has conferred IGMPI with the Services Excellence Award based on excellence of its services to the students and training participants.

IGMPI's Membership with IPA

IGMPI is a Lifetime Institutional member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA).


Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) came into existence through an act of Parliament in 1987. BIS is the National Standard Body of India established under the BIS Act 2016 for the harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The Bureau is a Body consisting of 25 members representing both Central and State governments, Members of Parliament, industry, scientific and research institutions, consumer organizations and professional bodies; with Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution as its President and with Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution as its Vice-President.

Quality Council of India (QCI)

Quality Council of India is set up by the Government of India to establish and operate national accreditation structure and promote quality through National Quality Campaign. QCI is registered as a non-profit society with its own Memorandum of Association. QCI is governed by a Council of 38 members and Chairman of QCI is appointed by the Prime Minister on recommendation of the industry to the government. The Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, is the nodal ministry for QCI.

International Recognition

For providing its education and training services to overseas students, IGMPI is registered with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Government of India and our Export Import Code is AADCI7680Q.

IGMPI is an Institutional Member of the International Society for Quality in Health CarelSQua

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a member of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and through the Indian National Committee (INC) which is a member of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). BIS is also a member of regional standards bodies like Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO). India started taking part in IEC from 1911 and subsequently the then Indian Standards Institution (now BIS) took over the responsibility of Indian National Committee of IEC(INC-IEC) in 1949. Since then the INC-IEC is actively participating in the activities of the IEC both at the policy level and technical work and carrying out the responsibilities as member body of IEC Council. India is a member in Standards Management Board (SMB) of IEC since 2015.BIS has also signed Bilateral Cooperation Agreements (BCA)/Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) with the National Standards Bodies of several countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Egypt, European Union , Germany, Ghana, Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Jordon, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Mauritius, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia , Slovakia, Slovenia, Suriname, USA, UAE, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Bhutan, Brazil, Israel, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB), Quality Council of India is a member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF) & Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) as well as signatory to its MLAs for Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management Systems and Product Certification. NABCB is also a Full Member of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) & Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) as well as signatory to its MRAs for Inspection.

Post Graduate Diploma/Executive Diploma in Clinical Nutrition

According to a well-known proverb, We absolutely are what we eat, and the foods provided to the body greatly affect performance, appearance, and health. This programme is committed to making nutrition accessible to everyone through nutrition recommendations, easy-to-follow explanations, and a sensitive, caring, personable attitude. We provide awareness about treating people with perfectly selected nutraceuticals, and to provide an alternative to those harmful medicines and expensive lifelong treatments. When one is already conscious of the benefits of treating people with food, then all you need to do is grab the progression of this incredibly instructive programme.

As we have designed this Post Graduate Diploma/Executive Diploma in Clinical Nutrition especially for working professionals and people who are already connected with the health care field, they can take this programme as an expansion of their practical knowledge. This diploma programme is meant to increase your proficient knowledge making an individual confident to deal with the clients as well. We provide you training with a pragmatic approach to stand out among the crowd.

Programme Structure

Module 1: Introduction to Clinical Nutrition

  • Introduction to Clinical Nutrition
  • Introduction to Hospital diets
  • Soft, liquid and Normal Diet
  • Methods of feeding: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 

Module 2: Human Physiology

  • Cell and Tissue
  • Nervous System and Endocrine System
  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory System
  • Reproductive and Excretory System 

Module 3: Concept of Health & Disease

  • Definitions and classifications of health and disease
  • Factors influencing health
  • Epidemiology of deficiencies and diseases 

Module 4: Nutritional Biochemistry

  • Carbohydrates Metabolism
  • Protein Metabolism
  • Fat, Vitamins and Minerals Metabolism 

Module 5: Introduction to Special Conditions and Diet Therapy

  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Nutritional Management in Diabetes Mellitus and Gout
  • Nutritional Management of Coronary Heart Disease and Renal Disorders
  • Nutrition Care in Weight Management and endocrine disorders
  • Nutrition care in cancer 

Module 6: Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism

  • Energy Metabolism
  • Malnutrition
  • Nutritional Assessment
  • Pre and Probiotics
  • Organic Foods
  • Phytochemicals and Antioxidants 

Module 7: Research Method Statistics

  • Introduction to Statistics and Research
  • Mean, Medium and Mode
  • Types of Research, Hypothesis and Sampling
  • Variable and their types
  • Different types of test in research 

Module 8: Path Physiology and Metabolism in Disease

  • Introduction to Pathophysiology and metabolism
  • Cellular metabolism
  • Specific Disease Metabolism 

Module 9: Medical Nutrition Management

  • Introduction to Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • Nutrition during Stress, Injury and Burn
  • Bariatric Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan 

Module 10: Recommended Approaches to Disease and Nutrition (Special Emphasis on Acute and Chronic Diseases)

  • Fever/Infection
  • Tuberculosis
  • Nutritional Management in Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreatic Diseases
  • Nutritional Management of Renal Diseases
  • Hypothyroidism and Poly Cyst Ovarian Syndrome 

Module 11: Food Allergies and Diet Management

  • Introduction food allergy and intolerance
  • Classification and Difference
  • Diagnosis and Risk Factor
  • Dietary Management for Different Food Allergy
  • Dietary Management of Various Food Allergies 

Module 12: Public Nutrition and Health

  • Primary Health Care-I: Concept and Organization Primary Health Care-II: Current Status in India
  • Primary Health Care-III: Delivery of Services
  • Health Programmes
  • Community Nutrition and Health 

Module 13: Nutrition in the Life Cycle: A Comprehensive Study

  • Diet Planning for Adulthood
  • Diet Planning for Infancy
  • Diet Planning for Childhood and Adolescent
  • Diet Planning for Elderly 

Module 14: Diet Counselling and Customizations

  • Principles of effective diet counselling
  • Customizing nutrition plans based on individual needs
  • Communication and counselling skills 

Module 15: Practitioner Case Studies

  • Diet Planning for several lifestyle disorders i.e. Diabetes, Renal and Liver, Cardiac Disorder, Gastrointestinal disorder and weight management 

Project Work

Project work can be defined as a method of learning that involves learning through tangible means like doing individual research and presenting it in a certain way. It inculcates, promotes and upholds the principles of learning through experience and experimentation. Project work in the field of nutrition plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of various nutritional aspects and it involves conducting surveys to gather primary data.

These surveys can be instrumental in exploring specific topics related to nutrition, such as dietary habits, nutrient intake, or factors influencing food choices. By collecting data directly from individuals through surveys, researchers can obtain unique insights and perspectives that contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Additionally, survey-based research allows students to assess trends and analyze correlations that would be helpful for preparing a therapeutic diet plan, food content, recipes, meal patterns and clinical aspect in the field of Nutrition & Dietetics.

These projects will give an insight into the clinical and therapeutic aspect of nutrition and dietetics, it would be a great opportunity for the students to gain knowledge and be a part of changing patterns in the current scenario in the clinical field of nutrition.


Any graduate Life Science, Home Science, Agriculture, Food graduate/ B.Pharm/ M. pharm/MSc. /PhD in Science disciplines/ any diploma /degree holders, working professionals of any of the following industry types, Food products manufacturing, Ayurvedic food products, Food Processing industry, Retail, and Food Service establishments, Food Packaging, Food/Food ingredient-based Research, Biotechnology or any related industry are highly encouraged to apply for thecertification.

Programme Duration

The duration to complete this programme is 1 year (Post Graduate Diploma), 6 months (Executive Diploma).


The registration dates for this programme run by the Institute are updated timely on the webpage. Effective Online learning tools incorporated into the design of the webpage make the programme lectures, online live classes and study material easily accessible. This gives a huge window of self-regulated and self-paced performance to the participants.

Programme Deliverables

A comprehensive study material for all the modules in hard copies ensuring the needs of the audience. The accompanying training material is appropriately aligned with the current Industry’s expectations.

– Assignments for all the programme modules for continuous evaluation and guidance.

– Interactive or online live sessions on all key areas of the programme giving all flexibility to the participants.

– Online classes for all the modules will be conducted on the weekends. Moreover, a doubt clearing session will also be scheduled before the examination.

– All the efforts are made by IGMPI faculty members to make the entire programme modules easily understandable.

– Assessment and evaluation for all the programme modules in order to enhance the levels of competencies and skills of the participants leading towards the objective of application in the job.

– At the end of each programme modules, the trainers shall obtain feedback from the participants using specially designed questionnaires.

– All learning and training delivery initiatives shall be conducted in English.

Examination and Certification

IGMPI follows a credit system based on all learning activities involved in studying for all PG Diploma, Executive Diploma Programmes. Each of your modules is equal to 4 credits. To successfully complete the programme, you will have to earn all the credits assigned to your programme.

All the participants are obliged to timely submit completed assessment assignments (during the programme, usually after every module) and appear for an online exam at the end of the programme. After successful completion, the participants will be awarded a Post Graduate Diploma/Executive Diploma in Clinical Nutrition by Centre for Nutrition and Dietetics Studies, IGMPI. For all the above mentioned modules elaborate programme material, self- assessment assignments and project work details would be provided by the Institute from time to time. Details get updated on the webpage as well.

Placement Assistance & Corporate Relations

The Institute has partnered with many organizations for providing with placement assistance to in its participants. The robust placement cell comprises of senior level Human Resources professionals and Talent Acquisition experts which maintains close links with business and industry. We are engaged in promoting the employability of our participants by maintaining good rapport and relation with HR cell and recruiting managers of leading Food and Agriculture companies across the globe. The efforts of our placement cell also include helping with professional resume writing, interview skills & conducting mock interviews etc.

In recent Months the Institute has witnessed more and more participation from professionals working global healthcare and nutrition giants like National Centre for Disease Control, National Rural Health Mission, mediskool health services, Cita Medtech, Venkateshwar Hospital, Ezcure Epillo, Manipal Hospitals Pvt. Ltd., Military Hospital, Sahyadri Hospital, Max Hospital, Fortis Hospital, Narayana Healthcare, Apollo Hospital, Balaji Hospital, etc.

Future career prospects

Post Graduate Diploma/Executive Diploma in Clinical Nutrition is a professional programme targeted to cater the health industry needs trained health professionals. The information, guidance, practical training and off programme completion certificate will provide the participant with not one but many opportunities in the industry. This would come true in the form of job roles and positions like that of Nutritionists, Dieticians, Diet Technicians, Health Consultants, Position in Health Centers, Fitness Journalism and many more.

Advisory Board and team

Our Advisory Board Members : https://igmpi.ac.in/our-advisors-and-team

Centre for Nutrition and Dietetics Studies

C-6, Qutab Institutional Area, Near Old JNU Campus, New Delhi–110016, India.
18001031071 (Toll Free),  Phone: +91 11 26512850