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Consuming fish during pregnancy doesn't affect kids' heart health, study finds


Cardiovascular diseases claim millions of lives yearly, but modifiable factors like diet and exercise can mitigate risks. Fish, rich in n-3 fatty acids, shows promise in reducing cardiovascular complications. During pregnancy, the maternal diet profoundly affects fetal development, with omega-3 crucial for growth.

Study design:

A longitudinal study tracked 657 pregnant women and their children until age 11-12. Women completed food questionnaires during pregnancy, evaluating their diet's impact. Children's cardiovascular health was assessed using arterial stiffness and retinal microcirculation.

Key observations:

Most women had normal BMI, with 44% of children having at least one parent with cardiovascular issues. High fish intake correlated with increased maternal energy intake and was reflected in children's diets.

Study significance:

Maternal fish intake during pregnancy didn't significantly affect children's cardiovascular health at 11 years old. While findings suggest no clear benefits, limitations include potential mercury exposure from high fish consumption. Nonetheless, the study contributes valuable insights into dietary impacts on cardiovascular health.