Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India®

(An Autonomous Body Recognized by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

Seafood Can Pass on PFAS 'Forever Chemicals,' Study Findings

This week, the Biden Administration pledged to reduce cancer-linked 'forever chemicals' in tap water. New research shows these PFAS chemicals also contaminate seafood. While consumers need not avoid fish and shellfish, authors urge federal guidelines akin to those for mercury levels in seafood.

PFAS exposure, from industrial leaks, is linked to cancer and developmental damage. Researchers analyzed 26 PFAS forms in seafood from a coastal New Hampshire market. Shrimp and lobster had the highest PFAS concentrations, up to 1.74 and 3.30 nanograms per gram of flesh, respectively.

The reasons behind PFAS ingestion by sea creatures remain unclear. Despite this, seafood remains vital for protein and omega fatty acids. Understanding the risk-benefit balance, especially for pregnant individuals and children, is crucial given seafood's potential as a source of PFAS exposure.