Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India®

(An Autonomous Body Recognized by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

Early legume intake provide better nutrition in toddlers

A recent article in the journal Nutrients delves into the positive impact of legume consumption on diet quality among young children.

Legumes, encompassing peas, beans, and lentils, are renowned for their nutritional richness, offering protein, carbohydrates, micronutrients, and phytochemicals. However, research on legume benefits in early childhood diets is limited, with potential variations based on the type consumed and accompanying recipes.

The study, drawing from the Women, Infants, and Children Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (WIC ITFPS-2), assessed legume intake and overall dietary patterns in over 3,000 mother-child pairs. Notably, legume consumption among infants remained low, failing to meet recommended levels.

Demographic factors such as ethnicity and maternal education influenced legume consumption, with Hispanic/Latino children and those born to less educated mothers exhibiting higher intake levels.

Despite low consumption rates, children who consumed legumes showed improved macronutrient and micronutrient profiles at both 11 and 24 months. However, the study underscores the need for further research to understand the long-term health implications and dietary habits associated with early legume consumption in children.