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New VEGANScreener works to boost diet quality among European vegans

A recent study in Nutrients introduced VEGANScreener, a novel tool by European researchers to assess diet quality among vegans. Despite veganism's rising popularity in Europe for health and environmental reasons, ensuring nutritional adequacy remains a challenge.

VEGANScreener comprises 29 questions focusing on promoting or limiting specific foods and nutrients crucial for vegans' health. It aims to aid vegans and healthcare providers in assessing diet quality, setting goals, and monitoring patterns over time.

Developed through extensive literature review and expert evaluation, the screener underwent translation into multiple languages following ISPOR guidelines. Expert feedback refined and finalized the tool, ensuring clarity and usability.

Despite challenges in categorizing novel vegan products and formulating questions, the VEGANScreener consists of 17 questions promoting food groups and nutrients intake and 12 limiting intake.

Next steps involve validating the tool against reference methods and biomarkers across diverse populations and settings, potentially improving nutritional awareness and support among European vegans and beyond.