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How do different people define 'healthy eating'?

A recent study in the journal Nutrients explored healthy eating perceptions and challenges among undergraduate students in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (HND) and Food Science and Technology (FST) programs in Spain. Disparities emerged between genders and academic levels regarding definitions of healthy eating and barriers, such as familial eating patterns, time constraints, and emotional states. This emphasizes the need to address diverse viewpoints in the education of future nutrition and food science professionals. Despite intensified discussions on healthy eating due to rising obesity rates and cardiovascular diseases, there's no universal definition of a healthy diet. Healthcare professionals play a critical role, yet their perspectives vary. The study analyzed data from students at the University of Barcelona, revealing differences in perceptions based on gender and academic year. Understanding these viewpoints is crucial for personalized interventions promoting healthy dietary practices. However, the study's limitations include a single institution sample, suggesting broader research approaches for future studies.