Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India®

(An Autonomous Body Recognized by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

Study finds: Inulin fiber exacerbates inflammatory bowel disease

A recent study by Weill Cornell Medicine researchers reveals that inulin, a fiber found in certain plant-based foods and supplements, aggravates inflammation in the gut and worsens inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in preclinical models. Published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, the study demonstrates that inulin prompts gut microbes to release bile acids, which in turn stimulate the production of molecules promoting intestinal inflammation, such as IL-33. This excessive immune response, akin to an allergic reaction, exacerbates intestinal damage in IBD animal models. While dietary fiber is typically beneficial, inulin's impact on gut microbes can lead to harmful consequences in IBD. Human studies supported these findings, indicating higher bile acid levels and excessive eosinophils in IBD patients consuming inulin. These discoveries may inform the development of therapeutic diets to alleviate IBD symptoms and mitigate gut damage, addressing a critical need for new treatments in these conditions.