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Dietary changes may treat pulmonary hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension presents distinct vascular changes in lung blood vessels, with detrimental outcomes like chronic lung disease and heart failure. University of Pittsburgh researchers uncovered a surprising aspect in patients with this condition: their lung blood vessel cells exhibit a heightened metabolic activity. Specifically, these cells display an increased demand for amino acids glutamine and serine, which drives disease progression.

Metabolizing glutamine and serine generates proline and glycine, primary components of collagen, crucial for structural integrity. Excessive collagen production stiffens blood vessels, a hallmark of pulmonary hypertension. In rodent models, inhibiting glutamine and serine uptake reduced collagen overproduction, hinting at potential treatments. Moreover, adjusting diets to limit glutamine and serine intake showed promise in curbing collagen excess.

This research suggests dietary adjustments may complement existing therapies for pulmonary hypertension. Additionally, researchers developed a novel diagnostic test using PET scans and a glutamine tracer, enabling early disease detection and treatment monitoring.