Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India®

(An Autonomous Body Recognized by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

Low-sodium alternatives may lead to major health benefits in Indonesia

Excessive sodium intake and inadequate potassium levels contribute significantly to high blood pressure in Indonesia. To address this, there is a push for widespread availability of low-sodium, potassium-rich salt substitutes (LSSS). Griffith University research examined the impact of replacing standard table salt (100% sodium chloride) with a low-sodium alternative in Indonesia, aligning with World Health Organization recommendations to reduce sodium consumption and combat hypertension and non-communicable diseases.

LSSS closely resemble table salt in appearance and taste, making them indistinguishable for many consumers. Introducing LSSS could substantially benefit Indonesia's healthcare system by lowering blood pressure and preventing heart attacks, strokes, and kidney diseases. It is estimated that over 10 years, implementing LSSS could save up to US$2 billion (IDR 27.7 trillion) in healthcare costs. This initiative could prevent approximately 1.5 million non-fatal cardiovascular events and over 640,000 new cases of chronic kidney disease, with the greatest impact expected among low-income groups.

The research urges Indonesian and global policymakers to consider promoting LSSS or improving their availability and affordability to enhance public health.