Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India®

(An Autonomous Body Recognized by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

Trying to limit calories? Skip the dip, researchers suggest

A study from Penn State’s Sensory Evaluation Center reveals that adding dip to a salty snack can significantly increase calorie intake. Researchers found that participants consumed 77% more calories when dipping chips compared to eating just chips. Despite having dip available, participants did not reduce the number of chips eaten, leading to a higher overall intake.

The study involved 46 adults who were served 70 grams of ranch-flavored chips, with or without about a third of a cup of ranch dip. Participants consumed an average of 345 calories when dip was included, versus 195 calories when only chips were provided. The dip led to larger bite sizes and a faster eating rate.

This research highlights how adding external factors like dips can impact snacking behavior and overall calorie consumption, emphasizing the need for further studies on how food properties influence eating habits and obesity.