Study reveals almonds enhance muscle recovery and performance post-exercise
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Study reveals almonds enhance muscle recovery and performance post-exercise

Study reveals almonds enhance muscle recovery and performance post-exercise

A recent study suggests that consuming almonds may alleviate muscle discomfort during post-exercise recovery and enhance performance. Published in Frontiers in Nutrition, the study involved 25 middle-aged individuals who consumed 57 grams of almonds daily for eight weeks. Compared to a control group eating pretzels, those consuming almonds experienced a nearly 25% reduction in muscle soreness during a 72-hour recovery period following a treadmill exercise.

Almonds, rich in protein, healthy fats, and vitamin E, offer natural nutrition ideal for fitness. The study found no significant differences in health markers between groups. Though limited to non-athletic, slightly overweight individuals, the findings highlight almonds' potential to support exercise adherence. Encouragingly, integrating almonds into a balanced diet could decrease muscle soreness and promote overall fitness.