'Illness To Wellness' unites hands with YoloHealth to sensitise citizens regarding preventive healthcare solutions
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'Illness To Wellness' unites hands with YoloHealth to sensitise citizens regarding preventive healthcare solutions

In today’s world, preventive healthcare is crucial due to rising lifestyle-induced diseases and barriers to timely diagnosis. The 'Illness to Wellness' campaign, promoting healthy living, has partnered with YoloHealth, a healthcare technology company, to raise awareness about early health issue detection.

The campaign is organizing health camps in New Delhi over three days. The inaugural camp, held at Janpath Bhawan Market with the Janpath Traders Association, targets nearly 200 individuals. Two Yolo HealthATMs are deployed for testing on-site.

YoloHealth showcases its HealthATM, demonstrating advanced technology for accurate health assessment reports. These HealthATM machines provide primary and preventive healthcare services, ensuring easy public access. This innovative approach empowers individuals to monitor their health actively and make informed decisions, fostering healthier communities.

The 'Illness to Wellness' campaign, launched in 2014, promotes health through education, collaboration, and sustainable practices. Through activities like health camps and webinars, it aims to increase awareness and inspire positive health behaviour changes.