Getinge bolsters commitment to Indian healthcare as it unveils Servo-c ventilator
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Getinge bolsters commitment to Indian healthcare as it unveils Servo-c ventilator

Getinge bolsters commitment to Indian healthcare as it unveils Servo-c ventilator

Getinge, a global leader in medical technology, has introduced its cutting-edge Servo-c mechanical ventilator to the Indian market, catering to diverse respiratory needs for pediatric and adult patients. This launch marks a significant step towards making advanced healthcare solutions accessible and cost-effective for Indian hospitals.

Amid rising healthcare costs, there's a growing focus on investing in safe, high-quality, and sustainable solutions. Leveraging over 50 years of Servo performance, Getinge's Servo-c aims to simplify respiratory support, ensuring hospitals in India have access to state-of-the-art equipment at an affordable price.

In intensive care units, minimizing interruptions during a patient's journey towards spontaneous breathing is crucial. The Servo-c facilitates seamless transitions from invasive to non-invasive ventilation, high-flow therapy to weaning, ensuring a streamlined workflow for optimal patient outcomes.

Equipped with essential functionalities for safe and efficient use, the Servo-c enables personalized respiratory treatments. Its modular components support smart fleet management, ensuring uptime and cost efficiency without relying on proprietary disposables. Advanced features like CO2 monitoring and Servo Compass provide real-time insights into lung mechanics and gas exchange, enhancing patient care.