Bayer reports detailed positive results from OASIS 3 phase III study of elinzanetant to treat VMS associated with menopause
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Bayer reports detailed positive results from OASIS 3 phase III study of elinzanetant to treat VMS associated with menopause

Bayer recently presented detailed findings from the OASIS 3 phase III study at the 2024 annual meeting of The Menopause Society (TMS) in Chicago. The study demonstrated the efficacy and sustained safety of elinzanetant, a non-hormonal treatment for vasomotor symptoms (VMS) related to menopause. Over 52 weeks, elinzanetant significantly reduced the frequency of moderate to severe VMS compared to a placebo, with improvements seen as early as week 12. Additional benefits included reduced sleep disturbances and improved menopause-related quality of life.

The safety profile of elinzanetant remained favorable, consistent with earlier OASIS 1 and 2 studies, with no signs of endometrial hyperplasia or liver toxicity. The most common side effects were headaches and COVID-19. Elinzanetant, a dual neurokinin-1 and 3 (NK-1 and 3) receptor antagonist, is taken orally once daily and offers a promising non-hormonal alternative for managing menopause-related VMS.