Certificate in Entrepreneurship Development in Meat and Poultry Industry - FFSQ | IGMPI
इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ गुड मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग प्रैक्टिसेज इंडिया
Faculty of Food Safety and Quality

(An Autonomous Body Recognized by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

18001031071 (Toll Free), Phone: +91 11 26512850
Regular Classroom | Online Mode

Certificate in Entrepreneurship Development in Meat and Poultry Industry | IGMPI

Traditionally, meat, poultry, seafood and egg have been distinguished in the food industry. Historically, meat has been described as the animals ' edible flesh. It generally concerned only the red meats, i.e., beef, lamb, pork and veal, including both fresh and refined items and variety of glandular meats.

More recently, it has been recognized that in physical and chemical properties all foods derived from muscle or muscle foods have basically the same or similar characteristics. This is the reason; examination is logical and all muscle foods are considered under one cover.

In order to enhance the knowledge in the area of Meat and Poultry, FFSQ, IGMPI has designed this programme of Meat and Poultry Industry. This is undertaken through theoretical knowledge and practical skill as both are essential to master the field of meat industry.

The objective of this programme is to give knowledge about structure, composition and nutritive value of meat. poultry, egg; scientific slaughtering of animals, post mortem changes in them; handling, storage and processing of meat and poultry products. On completion of this programme student will be able to explain the advanced processing of meat and poultry products. You can apply the various concepts of meat science in meat preservation and processing; also analyse the effect of various processing techniques on the quality of meat and meat products discuss and plan the by-product utilization in meat industry.

The programme has been designed for professionals, students aspiring to work in the field of meat industry, all involved in implementing and maintaining product quality systems, quality control and quality assurance personnel, new product development personnel.

Programme Structure

Module 1: Introduction to Food Industry

Module 2: Advancement in Meat and Poultry Industry

Module 3: Pioneering Meat and Poultry Industry

Module 4: Current Entrepreneurship Opportunities

Module 5: Economical upsurge in Entrepreneurship Development

Module 6: Business Requirement and Business Strategy

Module 7: Case Study


Any graduation/ B.tech/ B.Sc. in Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Botany/ Zoology/ Food Science/ Food Technology/ home science or any other discipline. Diploma holders are eligible for our Certificate Programmes.

Programme Duration

The duration of the training is 5 days.


The registration dates for this programme run by the Institute are updated timely on the webpage. Effective Online learning tools incorporated into the design of the webpage make the programme lectures, online live classes and study material easily accessible. This gives a huge window of self-regulated and self-paced performance to the participants.

Assessment & Certification

Online assessment will be conducted at the end of the programme and after successful completion; the participants will be awarded Certificate in Entrepreneurship Development in Meat and Poultry Industry by Faculty of Food Safety and Quality, IGMPI.

View Prospectus

Apply Online

Programme Fee Details

Food Safety Training and Certification

Applications Invited for Project / Dessertation in Technology / Food & Nutrition / Biotechnology / Microbiology – IGMPI Project

For further enquiries, write to or call us on:
info@igmpi.ac.in / 18001031071 (Toll Free),  Phone: +91 11 26512850

Pharmaceuticals |  Food |  Clinical Research |  Healthcare |  Medical Coding |  Nutrition



Moderated by Shri Vinod Arora, Principal Advisor, IGMPI (Building FR&D Talent in India)

Moderated by Shri Vinod Arora, Principal Advisor, IGMPI

Moderated by Shri Vinod Arora, Principal Advisor, IGMPI

Moderated by Shri Vinod Arora, Principal Advisor, IGMPI

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Our alumni are working with Fortune 500 and global Pharmaceutical, Food and healthcare giants like: