Aligos announces positive data from Phase IIa MASH treatment trial
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Aligos announces positive data from Phase IIa MASH treatment trial

Aligos Therapeutics has reported promising topline results from its Phase IIa HERALD clinical trial of ALG-055009, a thyroid hormone receptor beta agonist, aimed at treating metabolic-dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH). This double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study involved 102 participants with presumed MASH and stage I-III liver fibrosis, who were administered one of four doses of ALG-055009 or a placebo daily for 12 weeks.

The primary endpoint was the change in liver fat content at week 12. Results showed that doses between 0.5 mg and 0.9 mg of ALG-055009 resulted in significant median relative reductions in liver fat, with approximately 70% of subjects achieving at least a 30% decrease from baseline. The treatment demonstrated good tolerability, with no serious adverse events or indications of clinical hyper/hypothyroidism reported. Additionally, ALG-055009 led to notable reductions in atherogenic lipids, including LDL-C and apolipoprotein B. Aligos Therapeutics' CEO, Lawrence Blatt, emphasized the positive pharmacologic effects reflected in liver fat reduction improvements.