Know Labs declares positive data for non-invasive diabetes screening device
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Know Labs declares positive data for non-invasive diabetes screening device

Know Labs, based in the US, has released promising findings from a proof-of-concept trial evaluating its non-invasive device designed to detect blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. Published in the Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics Journal, the results indicate the device accurately identified hyperglycaemic, normoglycaemic, or hypoglycaemic status with 93.37% accuracy.

The technology utilizes radiofrequency and machine learning algorithms to categorize patients based on their glycaemic status, measuring levels through dielectric spectroscopy. Voltage values at various frequencies are analyzed by the algorithms. Know Labs envisions the device aiding in early diabetes detection and intervention, addressing a current gap in regulated non-invasive glucose monitoring.

Tested on 31 participants with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, the device continuously scanned their forearms during oral glucose tolerance tests. The company plans further research to enhance dataset enrichment and improve accuracy and sensitivity in glycaemic status screening.