Even years after a cleanup, residents on the west side of Indianapolis still fear lead contamination
इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ गुड मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग प्रैक्टिसेज इंडिया
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Even years after a cleanup, residents on the west side of Indianapolis still fear lead contamination

Twenty-five years post lead cleanup, residents near the Avanti Superfund site in Indianapolis are demanding additional soil testing to ensure their safety from ongoing contamination.

Key points:

- Residents remain concerned about lead exposure despite a significant cleanup completed in the 1990s.

- The EPA's updated rules for lead cleanup are not applicable to the Avanti site, as it is not on the National Priorities List.

- Local community members are advocating for further soil testing after discovering contamination in nearby properties years post-cleanup.

Why it matters:

Lead exposure can cause serious health problems, particularly in children. Despite extensive cleanup efforts, signs of contamination have reemerged, leaving residents feeling vulnerable and questioning the effectiveness of prior actions.