FDA to investigate metals' presence in tampons
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FDA to investigate metals' presence in tampons

The FDA is investigating the presence of metals in tampons to assess potential health risks, following a study in *Environment International* that identified tampons as a possible source of metal exposure. The study tested 30 tampons from 14 brands and detected measurable levels of 16 metals, including harmful ones like lead and arsenic.

The FDA, which regulates tampons as medical devices, noted the study didn’t assess if these metals are absorbed into the bloodstream. In response, the agency is conducting a lab study to measure metal release under normal use and has commissioned an independent review to evaluate worst-case exposure scenarios.

Members of the Democratic Women’s Caucus have urged the FDA to address these safety concerns, referencing earlier studies that linked tampon use to vaginal tissue damage and higher blood mercury levels. The FDA aims to complete a risk assessment based on these findings.