Protest in Toronto demanding action against mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows
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Protest in Toronto demanding action against mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows

Thousands gathered in Toronto to advocate for compensation and remediation for the Grassy Narrows First Nation, a community affected by decades of mercury contamination.

**Key Points:**
- Protesters demanded compensation, land protection, and environmental cleanup related to mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows.
- The mercury contamination, originating from a paper mill in the 1960s, has affected 90% of the community’s population.
- Residents have filed a lawsuit against provincial and federal governments, alleging neglect of Treaty 3 obligations.

The mercury contamination has led to significant health problems for Grassy Narrows residents for over fifty years. The lack of prompt government action underscores the persistent environmental injustices faced by Indigenous communities in Canada.