Aster CMI Hospital’s neurology department devises AI Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to detect median nerve in ultrasound videos
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Aster CMI Hospital’s neurology department devises AI Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to detect median nerve in ultrasound videos

Aster CMI Hospital’s neurology department devises AI Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to detect median nerve in ultrasound videos

Aster CMI Hospital emerges as a leading advocate for healthcare AI, pioneering innovative technology to support medical professionals in various treatment aspects. It includes analyzing extensive data for earlier and more precise disease diagnoses, exploring novel treatment avenues, and promptly monitoring vital signs across specialties.

Among these advancements is AI Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), developed by the neurology department, poised to revolutionize nerve ultrasound diagnostics. This groundbreaking technology efficiently redefines diagnosis and screening processes, boasting a remarkable 95% accuracy in detecting CTS by identifying the median nerve in ultrasound videos. It represents a significant leap forward in healthcare innovation, ushering in a new era of precision and efficiency in CTS diagnosis.

As healthcare transitions from a prescriptive to a predictive model, AI serves as a catalyst for this transformative journey. This technology-enabled tool heralds a new dawn in healthcare, embodying the potential for transformative change.