Fujifilm India creates its first installation with endoscopic ultrasound machine Aloka Arietta 850 at Fortis Hospital
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Fujifilm India creates its first installation with endoscopic ultrasound machine Aloka Arietta 850 at Fortis Hospital

Fujifilm India has installed its first Aloka Arietta 850 endoscopic ultrasound system (EUS) at Fortis Hospital, Bengaluru, aiming to enhance treatment for patients with GI-related diseases. This system facilitates targeted treatments like pancreatic pseudocyst drainage and precise delivery of treatment for pancreatic cancers, avoiding surgery.

The machine is effective in managing bleeding in liver cirrhosis within the stomach through endoscopic ultrasound-guided coiling. It also aids in managing jaundice, EUS-guided bile duct drainage, and gallbladder drainage. Fujifilm India emphasizes the exceptional image quality produced by the machine, boasting 7 million digital channels in its B mode.

EUS improves cancer staging with accurate sampling via Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) and Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB). It's particularly beneficial for cases of altered anatomy and therapeutic procedures among cancer patients.

Fujifilm India aims to provide superior medical systems in India, contributing positively to patient care with crystal-clear ultrasound images and integrated processes for technicians and patients alike.