Fujifilm India embarked on Echelon Synergy at CT & MRI User Conclave
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Fujifilm India embarked on Echelon Synergy at CT & MRI User Conclave

Fujifilm India introduced the Echelon Synergy MRI Machine during its CT & MRI User event, focusing on the future of CT and MRI technologies. This system incorporates Fujifilm's Deep Learning Reconstruction powered by AI, reducing noise and scan time by 50% compared to previous models.

With a 70 cm wide bore, a 62 cm wide table, and Blanket RF Technology featuring multi-channel RF technology and Flex Fit coil technology, the machine ensures top-notch image quality, smooth workflow, and enhanced patient comfort.

The Echelon Synergy achieves remarkable imaging homogeneity with HOAST (Higher Order Active Shimming Technology) for excellent RF fat saturation and large FOV fat suppression. RADAR (RADial Acquisition Regime) motion compensation technology eliminates motion artefacts without sedation, and IP-RAPID (IterativeRAPID) accelerates imaging across various anatomical regions.

SoftSound scan sequences minimize audible noise during scans, boosting patient comfort. This system redefines MRI imaging, offering advanced features for both patients and clinicians.