The examination consists of multiple choice questions (MCQ) of the objective type. Each MCQ may be in the form of a question, match the following or an incomplete statement and will have four answers labeled A, B, C and D. Out of the four, only one is the correct or most suitable answer. The questions will be in English. Candidates must choose the correct or most suitable answer.
There will be a separate question paper for each module which shall have 10 Questions in the respective disciplines. 10 minutes time will be allotted for answering questions from each module.
IGMPI follows a CGPA system of 10 point grade scale. The grades will be based on all learning activities involved in studying for all PG Diploma, Executive Diploma and Certificate Programmes. Each of your modules is equal to 4 credits. To successfully complete the programmes, you will have to earn all the credits assigned to your programme. Each question carries ten marks. Each correct answer will be awarded ten marks. There will be no negative marking for the wrong answer or unanswered questions.
You will get one hour to attempt the two case studies. Each case study carries 50 marks.
The examination shall be conducted at the end of the program term on weekends for all the programmes and the actual dates of the examination for various programmes will be communicated through separate examination notification by the Institute. Students are allowed to appear for the examinations from their own cities with the facility of a computer connected to the server having a reliable connectivity and web camera.
A candidate must fill up the examination form and pay the examination fees (as notified in the examination schedule) within the time and date mentioned by the Institute.
Overall score will be calculated as follows:
Assignments submission is a part of our evaluation system. Kindly be informed that all the assignments are evaluated and qualifying in nature. It is mandatory for Post Graduate Diploma student to submit all the assignments before appearing for final examination. Assignments for all the modules need to be submitted together either in soft copies through email.
There will be two sections A and B. Section A carries 50 Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.Section B carries two case studies. Case study carries 50 Marks each.
The following title shall be declared according to the CGPA scored:
Excellent: 9-10
Very Good: 8-9
Good: 7-8
Satisfactory: 6-7
Sufficient(Passed): 5.3-6
Not Sufficient(Fail): Less than 5.3
A candidate who scores aggregate (objective type exam & case study) CGPA 5.3 or above shall be declared to have passed in PG Diploma/Executive Diploma/Certificate/ Industry Certificate/examination. It is also mandatory to score at least GPA 4 in individual modules, failing which student will have to re- appear for the module. However, failed candidate may reappear for the examination after 3 months. Students are required to complete all the courses within the maximum duration specified for a programme. In case, the candidate fails to pass in the re- examination, he/she shall have to register for the respective programme de novo.
For professional certifications, you need to score at least 50% marks to qualify along with internal assessment with the faculty member.
The results will be declared within 30 days of the examination. After successful completion, the participants will be awarded Post Graduate/Executive Diplomas Certificate/Industry Certificate. The certificates will be dispatched to the students after declaration of the results along with the assignment grades within one month.
Candidates must visit regularly to obtain latest information and updates on online examination.
In the rare and unlikely event of a technical failure during the examination, the candidate may be required to attempt for the test again.
Candidates shall maintain perfect silence and attend to their questions only. All actions of the candidate will be closely monitored using web cameras to ensure that spirit of the exam is maintained.
The candidate found indulging in the malpractice of any nature would be disqualified and they will be liable to be debarred from taking examination either permanently or for a specified period.
For further enquiries, write to or call us on: /
18001031071 (Toll Free),
+91 11 26512850
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