Cancer-causing benzene levels were reduced in half at US refineries in 2023: Report
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Cancer-causing benzene levels were reduced in half at US refineries in 2023: Report

Cancer-causing benzene levels were reduced in half at US refineries in 2023: Report

In 2023, just six U.S. oil refineries exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) benzene action level, a significant drop from 12 in 2020, as per a report by the Environmental Integrity Project. The action level, set at nine micrograms per cubic meter in 2015, mandates corrective measures for excessive benzene concentrations. Benzene, found in oil, gas, and petroleum, poses health risks including cancer and respiratory issues. Leading the list is Houston's Pemex (formerly Shell) Deer Park Refinery, with benzene emissions double the EPA's standard. The Total Refinery in Port Arthur also consistently surpasses the EPA's level. Some refineries adjust readings to mask emissions from offsite or onsite sources. The EPA expanded fenceline monitoring for over 200 chemical companies to curb toxic air pollution, including benzene. The Environmental Integrity Project offers a database covering benzene data from 2018 to 2023 for further insights.