Concerns arise over fluoride levels in US drinking water
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Concerns arise over fluoride levels in US drinking water

Concerns arise over fluoride levels in US drinking water

Researchers have expressed concerns regarding the impact of elevated fluoride levels found in tap water across numerous communities in the United States. Elevated fluoride levels, particularly prevalent in water sources such as Texas' Ogallala Aquifer, have been associated with potential decreases in children's IQ levels, prompting calls from experts for further investigation and stricter regulations.

Current regulations at both federal and state levels do not mandate the notification of potential risks related to fluoride exposure and its impact on brain development. Many communities in the United States, notably in Texas, have fluoride concentrations in their water that exceed recommended levels, posing potential health hazards.

While fluoride occurs naturally in water, municipalities have been adding it to public water supplies for decades to prevent tooth decay. However, recent studies suggest that excessive fluoride exposure during critical developmental stages could be linked to diminished IQ scores in children. Consequently, there is a growing need for scientists and health professionals to reassess the safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation at various concentrations.