Fluoride exposure during pregnancy associated to child behavioral issues
इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ गुड मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग प्रैक्टिसेज इंडिया
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Fluoride exposure during pregnancy associated to child behavioral issues

Fluoride exposure during pregnancy associated to child behavioral issues

A recent study suggests a connection between elevated prenatal fluoride levels and heightened behavioral problems in children, sparking discourse among experts. The study, involving 229 low-income Hispanic women in Los Angeles, revealed that increased fluoride levels during the third trimester correlated with greater behavioral issues in their 3-year-old children. While some researchers advocate for a reassessment of fluoride safety during pregnancy, others argue that the study's limitations render its conclusions inconclusive. The American Dental Association maintains its support for fluoride's dental health benefits and suggests no changes to existing recommendations. Nonetheless, this research sheds light on potential risks associated with fluoride exposure during pregnancy, potentially prompting policy adjustments and a more cautious approach to fluoride intake among expectant mothers. The ongoing debate underscores the necessity for further, more exhaustive research to fully grasp its impact on child development.