The EPA considers to ban acephate pesticide over health risks
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The EPA considers to ban acephate pesticide over health risks

The EPA considers to ban acephate pesticide over health risks

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering a prohibition on acephate, a pesticide associated with potential harm to the developing brains of children.

The EPA's proposal to ban acephate comes in response to a recent ProPublica report that brought attention to the agency's contentious risk assessment process.

There is evidence suggesting that acephate poses risks not only to agricultural workers but also to the general public and children, particularly through contamination of drinking water sources.

Under the proposed ban, the use of acephate would be prohibited on all food crops, although exceptions would be made for non-fruit and non-nut bearing trees.

This proposed ban signifies a shift towards more stringent regulation of chemicals that have been widely utilized in agriculture for many years, reflecting a growing awareness of potential health hazards.