Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week with 'Milann's Embrace' initiative : Milann Fertility Center
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Celebration of World Breastfeeding Week with 'Milann's Embrace' initiative : Milann Fertility Center

Milann Fertility Center in Bengaluru has launched "Milann's Embrace: Bridging Gaps in Breastfeeding Care" for World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7). This initiative aims to improve access to breastfeeding resources and support, particularly for marginalized communities. Aligning with the "Closing the Gap" theme, Milann focuses on advocating for better breastfeeding policies, enhancing healthcare provider training, and strengthening support systems in hospitals and workplaces.

Breastfeeding is vital in India for fighting child malnutrition, providing essential nutrients, and fostering a strong mother-child bond. It supports immunity, brain development, and maternal health, accelerating postpartum recovery and reducing risks of bleeding, uterine issues, and cancers. The initiative underscores the importance of supporting breastfeeding mothers with care to ensure their well-being and the success of their breastfeeding journey.