Doctors at Sahyadri Hospitals Pune warn of increasing pulmonary embolism cases associated with international travel
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Doctors at Sahyadri Hospitals Pune warn of increasing pulmonary embolism cases associated with international travel

Over the past two years, Sahyadri Hospitals in Pune has observed a rise in pulmonary embolism (PE) cases linked to long-haul travel. This trend follows the successful treatment of 17 PE cases using mechanical thrombectomy, preferred when standard treatments fail.

A study titled "Travel-Associated Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)" supports these findings, noting a 26% increased risk of VTE for every additional 2 hours of air travel beyond 4 hours. It highlights the effectiveness of preventive measures like graduated compression stockings during flights.

An interventional radiologist at Sahyadri Hospitals noted that flights over four hours can triple the risk of blood clots due to cramped seating, dehydration, and low cabin oxygen. Patients treated ranged from 21 to 72 years old, indicating that younger people are also at risk.

Mechanical thrombectomy, involving the removal of blood clots, has shown promising long-term outcomes despite its challenges. This underscores the need for vigilance and prompt intervention in travel-associated PE cases.