Execute vigilance as monsoon spurs rise in vector-borne diseases-Industry experts
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Execute vigilance as monsoon spurs rise in vector-borne diseases-Industry experts

High humidity during the monsoon disrupts the body's natural cooling mechanisms and creates conditions favorable for the spread of waterborne and vector-borne diseases. Experts highlight the need for vigilance regarding water contamination during this season.

The monsoon's high humidity impairs our body's ability to cool down through sweating, making us feel sticky and uncomfortable. Despite the cooler weather, the body struggles to regulate temperature effectively.

Heavy rains can lead to water contamination as runoff carries pollutants and pesticides into water supplies. This increases the risk of diseases, particularly for vulnerable groups like infants and those with weakened immune systems. Contaminated water can lead to serious health issues.

To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to ensure water safety and stay properly hydrated. Using a reliable water purifier is essential to avoid waterborne diseases. Additionally, focus on maintaining electrolyte balance to prevent dehydration, which can go unnoticed during the rainy season.