National task force framed to assess medical students' mental health
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National task force framed to assess medical students' mental health

The National Task Force on Mental Health and Well-being of Medical Students was formed to address the growing mental health issues among medical students, who face higher psychological distress than the general population. This concern, spotlighted by incidents at RG Kar Medical College, Kolkata, is both national and global.

The Task Force highlights the need for a 24/7 support system, like the TeleMANAS initiative. Research indicates that 30-40% of medical students experience mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and burnout.

To tackle these issues, the Task Force reviewed literature, conducted surveys with over 37,000 participants, and consulted medical associations. Their recommendations include comprehensive orientation programs, involving families in support efforts, enforcing anti-ragging regulations, and integrating mental health education into medical curricula. Regular mental health training for students, teachers, and administrators, with a focus on confidentiality, is also advised.