NSRCEL IIMB and DailyRounds collaborate for Healthcare Incubation Programme
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NSRCEL IIMB and DailyRounds collaborate for Healthcare Incubation Programme

NSRCEL IIM Bangalore, in partnership with DailyRounds, has launched a Healthcare Incubation Programme to support early-stage healthcare startups. As part of DailyRounds' CSR initiative, the program fosters innovations addressing key healthcare challenges.

The initiative helps entrepreneurs transform lab-tested ideas into market-ready products. Participants receive mentorship from industry experts, guidance on business development, B2B and D2C sales, go-to-market strategies, and access to networking, funding, and clinical trial opportunities.

The selected startups work across diverse sectors like medical devices, healthcare tech, biotechnology, and wellness. Originally starting as a doctors' email group, DailyRounds now uses technology to enhance access to medical education.

This collaboration seeks to develop the next generation of healthcare entrepreneurs who can address critical industry challenges, such as data management, logistics, and improving patient experiences. The program prioritizes scalable, impactful, and sustainable innovations that can make a significant social contribution to the healthcare sector.