Pointblank, Systech Solutions collaborate to develop data analytics and AI solutions for pharma and healthcare in India
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Pointblank, Systech Solutions collaborate to develop data analytics and AI solutions for pharma and healthcare in India

Pointblank, a top healthcare marketing firm in India, and Systech Solutions Inc., a leader in data analytics and AI, are partnering to transform the Indian pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. This collaboration merges Pointblank’s industry expertise with Systech’s advanced technology, supported by HxCO (the Healthcare Collective), which specializes in patient access and affordable healthcare.

The partnership aims to leverage data analytics and AI to enhance patient care and streamline operations. Expected benefits include a 25-30% reduction in wait times, a 15-20% improvement in hospital appointment efficiency, and similar gains in demand forecasting and sales force effectiveness for pharma. Health insurers will benefit from faster claims processing and better-customized products.

Pointblank will provide market insights and regulatory knowledge, while Systech will deliver technological solutions. HxCO will support the initiative’s focus on promoting health and business development in India.