ReadyToBeMom introduces comprehensive IVF awareness and education initiative on World IVF Day 2024
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ReadyToBeMom introduces comprehensive IVF awareness and education initiative on World IVF Day 2024 has launched an extensive IVF awareness and education program for World IVF Day 2024. The initiative aims to educate gynecologists about the latest IVF advancements through a webinar by fertility experts. Simultaneously, a multimedia campaign targets prospective parents to address hesitation and educate them on assisted reproduction options.

In collaboration with the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) Young Talent Promotion Committee and the Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR), the program addresses India's rising infertility issue. Statistics reveal around 28 million Indians face infertility challenges, with only about 1% seeking timely medical advice., dedicated to preconception counseling, pregnancy care, and postpartum support, fosters discussions on infertility. The program includes a survey of gynecologists to tailor educational content, leading to a specialized webinar and informational brochure.

The public awareness campaign begins with a "Doctor Bytes" initiative on FM channels, engaging audiences with crowd-sourced questions. Responses are shared via podcasts, followed by a comprehensive YouTube and Instagram campaign over four weeks, aiming to empower first-time mothers with pregnancy care information.