Regular screening and Pap smear tests hold promise in reducing mortality in cervical cancer cases
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Regular screening and Pap smear tests hold promise in reducing mortality in cervical cancer cases

Oncologists advocate for regular screening, including clinical examination and Pap smear tests, to reduce cervical cancer mortality through early detection.

Survival rates heavily depend on the cancer stage, ranging from 7.4% for advanced cases to 73.2% for localized disease.

Cervical cancer ranks as India's second most common cancer among women, comprising 18.3% of new cases in 2020, with an estimated 1 in 53 women affected in their lifetime.

Radiation therapy, often combined with chemotherapy, is the primary treatment for locally advanced cases, with brachytherapy delivering targeted radiation. Surgery is preferred for younger patients due to potential long-term radiation effects.

Technological advancements like IMRT and IGRT improve treatment precision and outcomes.

Chemotherapy, especially with Cisplatin, enhances treatment effectiveness in advanced cases.

Immunotherapy holds promise for metastatic cancer but its role in locally advanced cases is uncertain, primarily due to affordability concerns, with sessions costing Rs. 1.5 to 4.5 lakhs on average.