WHO declares forthcoming updates on co-administration of treatment for hepatitis C and drug-resistant tuberculosis
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WHO declares forthcoming updates on co-administration of treatment for hepatitis C and drug-resistant tuberculosis

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a Rapid Communication on the co-administration of treatments for drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) and hepatitis C (HCV). Evidence suggests that treating HCV alongside multi-drug resistant or rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) is feasible, with potential benefits outweighing the risks. This approach may improve MDR/RR-TB treatment success and reduce treatment failures, loss to follow-up, and mortality. The communication targets national TB and hepatitis programs, policymakers, and technical organizations, emphasizing the need for seamless integration to enhance TB service quality. The forthcoming WHO consolidated guidelines on TB treatment will incorporate these recommendations. Managing chronic HCV in MDR/RR-TB patients remains challenging due to varying national policies. To bridge this gap, WHO sought "expert evidence" globally. WHO acknowledges the contributions of various stakeholders to this update, including guideline developers, evidence reviewers, national TB programs, technical partners, and patients and caregivers.