The WHO introduced the Patient Safety Rights Charter at the Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety, marking the first initiative to delineate patient rights in the context of safety. This charter aids stakeholders in shaping legislation, policies, and guidelines to ensure patient safety. It asserts that everyone, regardless of demographics, is entitled to safe healthcare, aligning with international human rights standards.
Comprising ten essential rights, the Charter emphasizes timely, effective care, safe healthcare procedures, competent staff, and patient engagement. Patient safety, epitomizing the healthcare principle of "First, do no harm," is integral to achieving Sustainable Development Goals and upholding health-related human rights.
Statistics reveal one in ten patients experiences harm in healthcare, with half being preventable, stemming from errors like surgical mishaps and medication errors. The Charter addresses this global challenge by empowering healthcare stakeholders and patients alike, fostering collaboration to ensure universal access to safe, high-quality healthcare.