A new Device to tone facial muscles and reverse aging unveiled in India.
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A new Device to tone facial muscles and reverse aging unveiled in India.

Dr. Rickson's Dermatherapie Clinic introduced a groundbreaking device in India to tone facial muscles and combat aging. The launch was attended by Julia Belianskaia, CEO of Wonder Aesthetics, and Sanjeev Setia, managing partner.

Aging leads to sagging skin due to the loss of collagen and elastin, worsened by factors like sun exposure and stress. To address this, the clinic unveiled the Wonder Face + Wonder Body device, developed in Spain, which uses Neuro Muscular Stimulation (NMS) and Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) Stimulation to target six core muscles. Its advanced technology penetrates up to 16 cm, making it effective for individuals with a BMI over 36, unlike other devices limited to BMI 28.

The 25-minute treatment delivers results equivalent to three hours of gym workouts, with no downtime or pain. Patients reported waist reductions of 3 to 10 cm and abdominal reductions of 5 to 11.5 cm over time.