Abbott collaborates with maker of ?bionic pancreas?
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Abbott collaborates with maker of ?bionic pancreas?

In May 2022, Abbott received FDA clearance for its FreeStyle Libre 3 continuous glucose monitor (CGM), and introduced the FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus with longer wear time and compatibility with automated insulin delivery (AID) systems like Beta Bionics’ iLet Bionic Pancreas. Scheduled to launch in Q4, this integration will allow iLet to use CGM data to automate insulin dosing.

Beta Bionics, which secured 510(k) clearance for iLet in May 2023, has already integrated the device with the Dexcom G7 CGM. The upcoming partnership with Abbott positions iLet to work with top U.S. CGMs. iLet simplifies insulin management by requiring users to input weight and select carbohydrate levels, reducing manual data entry.

Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre 2 and 3 were also FDA-approved for AID systems in March 2023. Abbott's CGM sales reached $1.6 billion in Q2, showing an 18.4% growth.