IntuiTap’s VerTouch device acquires US FDA approval
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IntuiTap’s VerTouch device acquires US FDA approval

IntuiTap’s VerTouch device acquires US FDA approval

IntuiTap Medical has gained approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for VerTouch, its handheld imaging tool. This FDA clearance confirms the device's safety and efficacy, validating its ability to improve procedural outcomes.

VerTouch assists healthcare providers in achieving greater precision during spinal punctures, addressing the shortcomings of traditional methods, which often result in high rates of first-attempt failures (40% to 60%), causing patient distress.

This FDA clearance is a significant milestone in advancing the accuracy and efficiency of procedures like epidurals, spinals, and lumbar punctures. VerTouch incorporates spinal mapping technology to generate a 2D image of lumbar spinal anatomy, aiding in identifying key landmarks and guiding needle placement.

IntuiTap anticipates that VerTouch will enhance patient outcomes, reduce anxiety, treatment refusals, and the need for radiology referrals. The company aims to establish global partnerships to expand VerTouch device access, slated for availability within the year. Clinical testing has been conducted at prestigious US medical institutions, including the Texas Medical Center and Northwestern Memorial Hospital.