Philips’ high-powered & fast motorized mobile C-arm, Zenition 90 enables surgeons provide high-quality patient care
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Philips’ high-powered & fast motorized mobile C-arm, Zenition 90 enables surgeons provide high-quality patient care

Philips has introduced the Image Guided Therapy Mobile C-arm System 9000 – Zenition 90 Motorized, enhancing surgical care accessibility. Tailored for intricate vascular and clinical procedures like cardiac interventions and urology, it offers enhanced capabilities. The Zenition 90 Motorized, available commercially from Q2 2024, enables table-side control with user-friendly features and time-saving functions. It empowers surgeons with flexibility, independence, and advanced image quality for complex procedures. The Touch Screen Module and software solutions contribute to clinical efficiency. Following the Zenition 30 C-arm launch, this innovation reinforces Philips' advanced Zenition C-arm systems portfolio. Usability studies reveal high user satisfaction, emphasizing complete C-arm control and workflow benefits. Aligning with sustainability goals, Philips' EcoDesign process enhances the product's life by 25% and power efficiency by 13%. The Zenition 90 Motorized offers a non-motorized configuration, showcasing Philips' commitment to responsible and sustainable healthcare solutions.