Celebrate September, the ?Poshan Maah? with a new diet.
इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ गुड मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग प्रैक्टिसेज इंडिया
Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India

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Celebrate September, the ?Poshan Maah? with a new diet.

India faces a dual challenge of malnutrition and rising obesity. Despite progress, the country still has a large number of stunted and wasted children, with malnutrition responsible for 69% of deaths in children under five in 2022. At the same time, 12.5 million children aged 5-19 were overweight, a sharp rise from 1990.

To address this, the government’s Poshan Maah, celebrated each September, promotes better nutrition. Poor diets are linked to 56% of India’s disease burden, with rising consumption of ultra-processed foods worsening issues like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Misleading advertising and easy access to unhealthy packaged foods, even in rural areas, contribute to this problem.

A simple front-of-pack label can help consumers identify foods high in fats, salt, and sugar, encouraging healthier choices. As nutrition-related diseases surge, Poshan Maah reminds us to diversify diets and focus on foods that support both physical and mental health.