Ethanolic extracts from olive leaves show response in combating cancer and infections
इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ गुड मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग प्रैक्टिसेज इंडिया
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Ethanolic extracts from olive leaves show response in combating cancer and infections

A recent study published in Antioxidants explored the therapeutic potential of ethanolic extracts from olive leaves sourced from Spain and Greece. The research highlighted that both extracts, particularly the Greek variant, exhibit strong antioxidant properties along with significant antimicrobial and anticancer effects, suggesting potential applications in healthcare.


Previous studies have demonstrated that phytochemicals from medicinal plants, including olive leaves, hold promise for developing treatments, especially for cancers like melanoma, known for its aggressiveness.

Study Overview:

Researchers characterized ethanolic extracts from olive leaves sourced from Seville, Spain (OFS), and Lefkada, Greece (OFG). They conducted chemical analyses and evaluated their potential as antimicrobial agents, anti-melanoma treatments, and modulators of angiogenesis.


OFG showed higher total phenolic content and triterpenes compared to OFS. It exhibited slightly stronger antioxidant activity and higher efficacy against melanoma cells in cytotoxicity assays. Both extracts were safe for cells and influenced angiogenesis.


The study underscores the health benefits of olive leaf extracts and calls for further research into their diverse compounds and potential therapeutic synergies.