Study investigates effect of fish oil in older adults' brains
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Study investigates effect of fish oil in older adults' brains

A clinical trial at Oregon Health & Science University suggests that older adults with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's disease might benefit from fish oil supplements. While the study did not find significant benefits for all older adults, it revealed that those carrying the APOE4 gene—associated with higher Alzheimer's risk—showed reduced nerve cell breakdown with fish oil supplementation.

The trial involved 102 participants aged 75 and older, initially with low omega-3 levels. They underwent MRIs at the start and end of a three-year study to assess white matter lesions, which can increase dementia risk. Participants took either fish oil supplements or a soybean-based placebo.

Although overall results showed only a slight reduction in lesion progression, APOE4 carriers experienced a notable reduction in brain cell breakdown after one year with fish oil. The findings suggest that targeted nutritional interventions could benefit those at high risk for Alzheimer's, warranting further research in diverse populations.