Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by exercise and diet even in people with a high genetic risk
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Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by exercise and diet even in people with a high genetic risk

A groundbreaking study from the University of Eastern Finland reveals that a healthy diet and regular exercise can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, even in those with a high genetic predisposition. This means lifestyle changes benefit everyone, regardless of genetic risk. Type 2 diabetes is a widespread issue, affecting one in eleven adults globally, with 90% of cases being type 2.

The T2D-GENE Trial, a three-year study, involved nearly 1,000 men aged 50 to 75 with elevated fasting glucose levels. Participants were divided into a lifestyle intervention group, receiving guidance on diet and exercise, and a control group. The intervention group improved their diet quality, increased dietary fiber intake, and maintained physical activity, leading to better glucose metabolism and a lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes. The study demonstrates that lifestyle changes are crucial in preventing type 2 diabetes, regardless of genetic risk.