A new report states an increase in nurses? burnout risk due to Dissatisfaction with Electronic Health Records.
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A new report states an increase in nurses? burnout risk due to Dissatisfaction with Electronic Health Records.

A report by healthcare IT firm Klas found that nearly one-third of nurses who experienced burnout last year blamed electronic health records (EHRs). Among them, 40% are likely to leave their jobs within two years. Many nurses feel excluded from EHR decision-making, with 65% saying they lack a voice in EHR changes, and 39% feeling unable to request fixes. Burnout is worsened by the time-consuming nature of documenting care in EHRs, with 33% of nurses reporting symptoms of burnout. Technological issues like slow response times and system downtimes add to the frustration, with 40% noting poor EHR performance. Although satisfaction with EHRs has improved, 40% reported inadequate ongoing training, and 42% found initial training insufficient. Additionally, 67% felt that system upgrades didn’t improve EHRs, and 70% said optimizations were delayed. Poor communication about EHR changes also remains a problem.