A new study states that plant-based diet tied to enhanced sexual health in men treated for prostate cancer
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A new study states that plant-based diet tied to enhanced sexual health in men treated for prostate cancer

A new study states that plant-based diet tied to enhanced sexual health in men treated for prostate cancer

A study by NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health suggests that a plant-rich diet may alleviate common side effects in prostate cancer patients. Analyzing data from 3,500+ men with prostate cancer, the study linked higher plant intake to improved sexual, urinary, and hormonal health post-treatment. Patients consuming more plants scored 8-11% better in sexual function and up to 14% better in urinary health.

Published in Cancer, the study is the first to highlight the positive impact of a plant-based diet on urinary health in prostate cancer patients. Drawing from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, it emphasizes the importance of diet for post-treatment quality of life. The findings contribute to growing evidence supporting plant-based diets' health benefits. Funding came from the National Institutes of Health and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.