Baby Memorial Hospital pitches ‘Continuous Connected Care@BMH’ initiative with Dozee for enriched patient safety
इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ गुड मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग प्रैक्टिसेज इंडिया
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Baby Memorial Hospital pitches ‘Continuous Connected Care@BMH’ initiative with Dozee for enriched patient safety

Baby Memorial Hospital in Kozhikode, a renowned healthcare institution with over three decades of commitment to quality healthcare, introduces the 'Continuous Connected Care@BMH' initiative. All ward beds now feature Dozee's AI-powered Remote Patient Monitoring and Early Warning System, positioning the hospital as a leader in leveraging 'Made in India' technology for enhanced patient safety and care standards.

This initiative showcases Baby Memorial Hospital's dedication to integrating cutting-edge technology with medical expertise. Dozee enables remote monitoring of vital parameters like heart rate, respiration rate, and ECG, alerting healthcare providers to early signs of deterioration. Its AI-based Ballistocardiography (BCG) ensures contactless monitoring, significantly impacting patient safety and operational efficiency.

Research indicates that for every 100 Dozee-connected beds, around 144 lives could potentially be saved, with a significant reduction in nursing time for vital checks and ICU length of stay. This integration marks a pivotal advancement in healthcare delivery, underscoring the hospital's commitment to excellence and meeting evolving patient needs.