Glycaemic Happiness Awareness initiative gains Guinness World Record : Dr. Reddy?s
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Glycaemic Happiness Awareness initiative gains Guinness World Record : Dr. Reddy?s

Unveiled in Hyderabad, the record was officially recognized by a Guinness adjudicator. Dr. Reddy’s has also partnered with a local company to recycle the brochures.

In India, with 101 million diabetes patients, many face 'Diabetes Distress,' an emotional burden from managing the disease. The American Diabetes Association highlights the need for psycho-social care, making glycaemic happiness vital for improving diabetes management.

The initiative collaborates with endocrinologists and diabetologists on the Glycaemic Happiness Scale, which helps measure patient well-being. Over 7,500 healthcare professionals used the scale, benefiting more than 30,000 patients and demonstrating strong support for enhancing glycaemic happiness.